Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Hotshot written by Ahren Sanders (350 pgs) – finished reading 9/1/16 – 3.5 stars - Contemporary Romance

3.5 star rating

I’m not too sure of how to rate this one. The story had so much back and forth. Truths were hidden. All trying to protect individuals. The heroine was “A Number One”. It was the hero, though, that had me constantly scratching my head. I’m sure that I’m in the minority here, but it seemed to me that he wanted pity and understanding for something that he did and had to take responsibility for. At times he was elusive and closed-off, even when he was the one at fault. And, the person that suffered the most was his amazing girlfriend. She was the one that moved the story along. She was spunky and funny. She just made everyone smile. The prologue in the beginning was cute and entertaining. A little sad, though. And, the book from what I first was thinking, went into a whole other direction. While I was expecting sadness, I got a whole other take on what was going to occur. I was really not prepared for the main story line. It was tedious. Like I said, a lot of back and forth occurred with feelings and unsure choices being made. The villainous of the story was spot-on, however. Nasty. Vicious. Not a care in the world for anyone but herself. And, in the long run, she gets her just desserts. No sympathy from me. This is the first time in a while that I am rating a book probably lower than it should be mainly because of the hero. I loved his family, however! His two brothers and parents. So supportive and loyal. It was just him that I had an issue with. The ending was fitting. And, everyone is more than happy!

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